Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

Part 1: How information will we do with the data that you supply?

When you purchase something from our store in the purchasing and selling process, we collect the details you provide us with regard to your personal data such as your name as well as your address, email address, and phone number.

When you browse our store it also records your internet protocol (IP) address in order to give us information that helps us learn about your internet browser and operating system.

Marketing via email: We\’ll only send you email updates only if you have given us permission.


How do I get your permission?

If you provide us with details about yourself to finish an order, verify your credit card or place an ordered, arrange a refund of your purchase, or for a shipment to arrive, we assume you are consenting to the collection of this information for these specific purposes.

If we request your personal data by us to fulfill a third reason (such as for marketing) We will either directly ask for consent or provide you with an opportunity to decline.


There may be a need to give us your details by law if there is a violation of our Terms and Conditions.

Section 4 – Third-Party Services

Third-party service providers that us use generally collect, store, and transfer your information in the extent required to provide the service to us.

However, some third-party services, like payment gateways or other payment processors may have their own policies on privacy in relation to the information we\’re required to supply to them.

Read the privacy policies for these businesses to be aware of their handling of your personal data.

It is important to remember that some service providers may be located in, or operate their facilities in a country or jurisdiction that is different from yours. You may have to follow local laws when you go in a transaction that requires a third-party provider.

Section 5 – Security

To protect your personal information To safeguard your personal information, we employ reasonable security measures and follow industry best methods to ensure that it is not inappropriately lost or misused. It can also be deleted, disclosed or altered.

If we ask for the information of your credit card The information you provide us is secured by using the secure socket layer technology (SSL) and then stored with a AES-256 encryption. We follow the PCI-DSS and other industry-standard requirements although no digital transmission or storage technique can be 100% secure.


This site is exclusively accessible to those who are of the age of legality to be legally able to do that in the state where they have residence.